Showing unreasonable dislike or unfair treatment of people because they are fit.
A movement has been long underway to undermine the fitness goals of others in an effort to accept people they way they are. People that eat right, stay healthy, and exercise frequently experience discrimination, bias, and are subjected to ridicule. Fitphobia is a way to spread harmful and dangerous behaviors.
Fitphobic people can spread fear, shame others for trying to better themselves, and try to make fit people feel bad for caring about their healthy lifestyle. The perpetrators mostly feel bad about themselves, so they want to bring others down to their level to feel better. These habits and behaviors are mostly taught by fitphobic parents, but are prevalent in the education system, the media, and fitphobic rhetoric is even spread by celebrities.
Fitphobia is dangerous and can lead to negative outcomes, such as fear, pain, depression, and even death.
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Tempor erat elitr rebum at clita. Diam dolor diam ipsum sit. Aliqu diam amet diam et eos. Clita erat ipsum et lorem et sit, sed stet lorem sit clita duo justo magna dolore erat amet
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You must be on something
This is a common go-to for people that don't exercise. Sometimes this is innocent ignorance. Often times people will try to tear you down or bully you to make themselves appear virtuous.
fitness = thinness = diet culture = colonialism
As funny as this is, this is a thing. There are weirdos out there pushing this insane narrative. Nothing more even needs to be said about this clownery. Source:
This comes from fat advocates
The logic, or lack thereof, stems from the belief that obese people can be just as healthy as fit people. You don't even have to speak. By virtue of being fit, you're flexing more than your muscles; you're allegedly demonstrating your superiority.